240 Hours To Days


240 Hours To Days

Are you looking for a way to quickly convert 240 hours into days? Converting hours to days can be a tricky task, but with a few simple steps you can easily make the conversion. The first step is to divide the number of hours by 24. This will give you the number of days that 240 hours is equal to. In this case, it would be 10 days. To double-check that you have the correct answer, you can multiply 10 days by 24 hours, which should equal 240 hours. It is important to keep in mind that when you are converting hours to days, there is no such thing as partial days. Therefore, if you have an odd number of hours, such as 241, it will still equal 10 days. When you convert hours to days, you may find that the answer is a decimal. This is because there are more hours in a day than just 24. For example, if you had 246 hours, it would be equal to 10.25 days. With these simple steps, you can easily convert any number of hours into days. Knowing how to convert hours to days can be a useful skill for anyone who needs to track time or measure progress.

Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. days + 27 hours + 240 minutesNO= ... hours​

Jawab :

1 hari =24 jam

27 jam =27 jam

240 menit =4 jam

24+27+4= 55 jam

2. 240 minutes = ...... hours 1,5 hours = ...... minutes 360 minutes = ...... hours


240 minutes = 4 hours

1,5 hours = 90 minutes

360 minutes = 6 hours

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

1 hours = 60 minutes


1.240 minutes = 4 hours2. 1,5 hours = 90 minutes 3. 360 minutes = 6 hours

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


3. Calculate 4/9 of 5 days, give your answer in days, hours and minutes (x days y hours z minutes).

Jawab:x=2.222 days or 20/9 days

            y=53.333 hours or 160/3 hours

            z=3200 minutes



in 5 days=1440X5=7200minutes/5 days

4/9 of 5 days =4/9 x 7200 minutes

                       z=3200 minutes



x=20/9 days or 2.222 days


1 day = 24 hours

5 days = 24x5

5 days=120 hours

4/9 of 5 days=4/9 x 120 hours

y=160/3hours or 53.333 hours

4. He needs a quarter hour to print thedocuments.Quarter hour means.........a. 15 hours c. 15 minutesb. 15 seconds d. 15 days​


c 15 minutes

quarter berarti seperempat


C. 15 minutes


#semoga membantu:)

5. He needs a quarter minute to printthe documents.Quarter means ....15 hoursb. 15 secondsc. 15 minutesd. 15 days​


C. 15 minute.


Maaf ya kak klo salah :) jgn lupa follow (≡^∇^≡)

6. Q.1 year how many days? 1 day how many hours? 2 years how many days?nt : awoqawoq sesekali b.inggris​


1. 365 day

2. 24 hours

3. 730 day



>> b. Inggris ☁️

pertanyaan ?

1 year how many days?

1 dan how many hours?

2 years how many days?

jawaban ?

-) 1 year 365.25 day

-) 1 day 24 hours

-) 730,5 day

#hope it helps ☁️

7. (pilih 2 jawaban benar)10. How long will it take an infant under 6 months to finish a bottle of 60 ml?A.2 days.B. 4 days.C. 24 hoursD.48 hours.​


C. 24 hours / D. 48 hours


Mohon maaf jika salah

8. It takes 10 road workers 5 days to complete a road repair when working 2 hours a day. Working at the same pace, how many days will it take 2 people working 5 hours a day to finish it?


10 days


10 people × 5 days × 2 hours= 2 people × @ days × 5 hours

@ = 100: 10

@= 10

9. "A few hours to Festival" Atau "Few hours to Festival" (Pakai 'A' atau tidak) ?? apa alsannya?​


pakau A


karena grammar nya kayak gitu


Pakai "A" karena termasuk verb


semoga membantu:)

10. Distance= 240 km, Time= 3 hours, Speed= ... km/hour ​


Since 240 divided by three is 80, the velocity the car is traveling at is 80 kilometers per hour.

11. 1.Steve _________ bed two hours ago. go to goes to went to going to 2.Did you _______ to college by motorcycle yesterday ? go goed went want 3.We............in this restaurant two days ago Ate Eaten Eating Eats


1.went to

2.went to



1. went to

2. went

3. Ate

Karena ketiga kalimat di atas adalah kalimat Past Tense, maka kita pilih jawaban yang menggunakan verb 2

Maaf ya jika ada yang salah

12. 240 minutes – 7200 seconds = hours ​


hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe


240 minutes - 7200 seconds = 6 hours

Sorry if  wrong reply >_<

( Maaf kalo salah >_< )

13. days to be nya apa?????

tobe-nya adalah are.
karena days adalah kata jamak ( plural ).days => are
-> kata jamak (+s) plural

14. How long does it take from seremban to singapore? A. Three hours B. Five hours C. Seven hours D. nine hours





Jawaban: a. three hours

Penjelasan: udah

15. 3 centuries 28 years126 years + 92 years + 110 years =23EST YOURSELFlculate.8 dayshours3 days 15 hours + 4 days 10 hours =9 weeks 6 days + 9 days = weeksdays7 years 8 months + 5 years 10 months = 13 yearsmonths# days 10 hours + 20 hours + 2 days 12 hours days houweeks 5 days + 15 days + 3 weeks 4 days = weeks day9 months + 9 years 10 months + 6 years 4 months = years mordecades 7 years + 23 years =decades yearscenturies + 32 years + 1 century 5 years =centuriesye• Enhance pupils' mastery by asking questions that involve unit conversion andregrouping related to scientific knowledge such as life span and growth.2CACHER'SNOTESAachcan you guys help meh?​


126 YEARS = 318 YEARS


100 YEARS -


16. to hours ago I wanted to go to his house​


beberapa jam lalu aku ingin pergi ke rumah nya/dia

17. Deni plays from 07.00 to 10.0 deni plays for....a.seven hours b.seven hours c.thre hours d.seventen hours


C. Three hours


10.00 - 07.00 = 3 jam / C. Three hours




18. 20 men can prepare 40 toys in 24 days working 18 hours a day. then in, how many days can 36 men prepare 48 toys working 16 hours a day ?

1. 24 . 8 = 40/20
2. 16X = 48/36

=    16X/432 = 48/36 : 40/20
=    16X/432 = 48/36 . 20/40
=    16x/144 = 2/3
=    X = 18 days

19. A satellite traveled 240 kilometres in 3 hours 12minutes. At the same rate, calculate :Time to travel 175 km.b. The distance traveled for 1 hours 32a.minutes.​

maaf kalo salah

jagan lupa follow //bintang 5

20. maksud Dari tugas ini apa ? : example: a. long hours- 1 open seven days a week (para 1)

itu ada teksnya kan?
para 1 itu maksudnya paragraf 1
a. long hours - open seven days a week itu maksudnya contoh kalimat yang menjelaskan long hours
long hours artinya itu buka lama, jadi subject yang ada di teks itu termasuk long hours karena buka 7 hari dalam seminggu

semoga membantu :)

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