The Adventures Of Thomas Paines Bones


The Adventures Of Thomas Paines Bones

The Adventures Of Thomas Paine's Bones is a novel by Jean Fritz about Thomas Paine, the famous 18th-century American political philosopher and revolutionary. The story follows Paine's bones after his death and the various people who try to keep them safe. It is an exciting and informative tale about a key figure in the American Revolution. **Question:** What does the novel cover? The novel covers the story of Thomas Paine's bones after his death and the various people who try to keep them safe.

Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. what are the functions of bones?​


(Bahasa Inggris)

•The first function of bones is that they provide a framework for the attachment of muscles and other tissues. Bone also functions as a protector of human internal organs. Examples include a broken skull and cage bones protecting internal organs from injury.

(Bahasa Indonesia)

•Fungsi tulang yang pertama yaitu, tulang menyediakan suatu kerangka untuk tempat penempelan otot dan jaringan-jaringan lainnya. Tulang juga berfungsi sebagai pelindung organ-organ dalam manusia. Contohnya seperti tengkorak dan tulang sangkar rusak melindungi organ dalam dari luka-luka.


protect the organs.(melindungi organ-organ)

prop ups the body.(menopang tubuh)

prop up movement.(menopang gerakan)

semoga membantu

2. to support the weight of the body, is the function of.....bones​

long bones

Long bones function to support the weight of the body

3. 3. The functionOFPicking Bones is​

Jawaban:is bone to pick somebody


4. Thomas lived in the small town of Brighton

Thomas tinggal di kota kecil BrightonThomas tinggal di sebuah kota kecil di Brighton.

5. Vitamins stimulates uptake of calcium from the intestine and promotes healthy development of bones and teeth

vitamin merangsang penyerapan kalsium dari usus dan mempromosikan perkembangan yang sehat tulang dan gigi

kalo salah maaf!!Vitamin merangsang penyerapan kalsium dari usus dan meningkatkan perkembangan yang sehat dari tulang dan gigi

6. What are the Benefits of Bones for Animals ?​


1. to form the animal body

2. to save the internal organs of the animal

3. as the muscle attachment place

4. to make the bone marrow


Among them as a means of passive motion, to straighten the body, a place to attach muscles, to protect vital organs. Although passive, bones still have a big role when animals carry out activities, such as walking. Well, animals can move if there are active locomotor organs that help bones and skeletons.

7. Who is the author of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland'??

 Charles Lutwidge Dodgson
The author of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is Charles Lutwidge Dodgson ( his pen name is Lewis Carroll ). He was also an English mathematician.

8. Mention all parts of the bones, in the human body! (in order : starting from the skull)


1.tulang panjang

2.tulang pendek

3.tulang pipih

4.tulang tidak teratur

5.tulang sesamoid

6.tulang aksial

terdiri dari:

1. tulang tengkorak

terdiri dari

a. tulang frontal (dahi) , b.tulang fariental (ubun ubun), c. tulang temporal (pelipis) d.tulang pipi f. tulang baji.g. tulang rahang atas dan rahang bawah (mandibula dan maksila) . h. tulang air mata dan i. tulang hidung.

2. tulang belakang

3.tulang rusuk dan tulang dada

4. gulang apendikular

terdiri dari

a. tulang tangan, b. tulang panggul, c. tulang kaki

5.tulang rawan

6. tulang membran sinovial

7.tulang ligamen

8. tulang tendon

9. tulang bursa

10. tulang maniskus

dan masih bayak lagi


maaf hanya itu yang dapat saya jawab maaf jika salah

semoga bermanfaat.

9. Thomas Robert Malthus dalam bukunya essay of the principle of population of effect the future improvement of Society mengemukakan bahwa

Thomas Robert Malthus mengemukakan pendapat bahwa Jumlah penduduk cenderung meningkat secara deret ukur sedangkan kebutuhan riil meningkat secara deret hitung

10. Are all the bones of a faller person bigger than those of a smallerperson?​

Yes. Thats is true

Maaf kalau salah.

Yes they are, the bones of a taller person are bigger than those of a smaller person

11. the seventh pair of rib bones in humans are known as

Jawaban menurut sy adalah:
-tulang rusuk palsu.
maaf kl sy salah

12. What is made of long bones,short bones.flat bones and irregular bones.......


i am you get for sgeradir

13. 1. What are the functions of your bones?​


The human bones performs six major functions: support, movement, protection, production of blood cells, storage of minerals, and endocrine regulation.Our bones also have a function to protect vital program, like heart, lungs, brain, etc.

Bone is often stereotyped as simply a protective and supportive framework for the body. Though it does perform these functions, bone is actually a very dynamic organ that is constantly remodeling and changing shape to adapt to the daily forces placed upon it. Moreover, bone stores crucial nutrients, minerals, and lipids and produces blood cells that nourish the body and play a vital role in protecting the body against infection. All these functions make the approximately 206 bones of the human body an organ that is essential to our daily existence.



There are 206 bones in the adult body. The bones perform five main functions for the body:

Provide support: The skeletal system provides structural support for the entire body. Individual bones or groups of bones provide a framework for the attachment of soft tissues and organs.

Store minerals and lipids: Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body. (Ninety-nine percent of the body's calcium is found in the skeleton.) The calcium salts of bone are a valuable mineral reserve that maintains normal concentrations of calcium and phosphate ions in body fluids. The bones of the skeleton also store energy reserves as lipids (fats) in areas filled with yellow marrow.

Produce blood cells: Red blood cells, white blood cells, and other blood elements are produced in the red marrow, which fills the internal cavities of many bones.

Protect body organs: Many soft tissues and organs are surrounded by skeletal elements. For example, the rib cage protects the heart and lungs, the skull protects the brain, the vertebrae protect the spinal cord, and the pelvis protects the delicate reproductive organs.

Provide leverage and movement: Many bones function as levers that can change the magnitude (strength) and direction of the forces generated by muscles.

14. necessary for the development of strong bones and teeth

CALSIUM is necessary for the development of strong bones and teeth

15. We have a strong frame inside our bodies called a skeleton. The skull is made of ....... bones. and we find ...... bones in our arms and legs. irreguler bones and short bones b. flat bones and irreguler bones c. short bones and irreguler bones d. flat bones and short bones


Kami memiliki kerangka yang kuat di dalam tubuh kami yang disebut kerangka. Tengkorak itu terbuat dari ....... tulang. dan kami menemukan ...... tulang di lengan dan kaki kami.

tulang irreguler dan tulang pendek

b. tulang pipih dan tulang irreguler

c. tulang pendek dan tulang irreguler

d. tulang pipih dan tulang pendek

jawabannya adalah C.


semoga benar

16. According to the structure, the bones in babies are mostly classified as .... bones


tony romas baby ribs


17. thomas alva edison is the name of inventors​


Though he is best known for his invention of the phonograph and incandescent electric light, Edison took out 1,093 patents in a variety of fields, including electric light and power, telephony and telegraphy, and sound recording.


Semoga membantu

18. " Thomas writes a letter". The passive form of the sentence is

a letter is written by thomas

"great to help"

19. Please change the sentences into passive! "The minerals replace the bones over a long period of time."

the bones are replaced by the mineral over a long period of timemineral menggantikan tulang dalam jangka waktu yang panjang #iam sorry forgive me

20. 1. consider a man 1,8m tall and a giant 5times as tall as the man. How tall is the giant?2. assume the giant is similar to the man. if the mass of the man is 80kg. What is the mass of the giant?3. the man's mass is supported by both of his leg bones. if cross sectional ares of each of the legs bones is 10cm^2. How much mass is supported by 1cm^2 of the man's leg bone?4. what is the cross sectional area of each giant's leg bones?5. how much mass is supported by 1 cm^2 of the leg bones?​


1. pertimbangkan seorang pria dengan tinggi 1,8 m dan raksasa 5 kali lebih tinggi dari pria itu. Berapa tinggi raksasa itu?

2. menganggap raksasa itu mirip dengan manusia. jika massa orang tersebut 80kg. Berapa massa raksasa itu?

3. massa pria ditopang oleh kedua tulang kakinya. jika luas penampang masing-masing tulang kaki adalah 10cm^2. Berapa massa yang ditopang oleh 1cm^2 tulang kaki pria tersebut?

4. berapa luas penampang tulang kaki masing-masing raksasa?

5. berapa massa yang ditopang oleh 1 cm^2 tulang kaki?

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