Which Of The Following Compounds Is Most Basic


Which Of The Following Compounds Is Most Basic

When it comes to basic compounds, there are three main contenders: ammonium, hydroxide, and carbonate. Each has unique properties and can be used to create different reactions. Ammonium is the most basic of the three compounds. It is a positively charged ion that is formed when hydrogen is replaced by ammonia. Ammonium is highly reactive and can be used in a variety of chemical reactions. It is also used in the production of fertilizers, explosives, and other industrial products. Hydroxide is the second most basic of the three compounds. It is an anion that is produced when a hydrogen atom is replaced by an oxygen atom. Hydroxide is less reactive than ammonium, but still has many uses in chemical reactions. It is most commonly used in the production of soaps and detergents. Finally, carbonate is the least basic of the three compounds. It is an anion formed from the combination of a hydrogen atom and a carbon atom. Carbonate is not very reactive and is used in the production of glass, ceramics, and other materials. In conclusion, the most basic of the three compounds is ammonium. It is highly reactive and has many uses in industrial and chemical processes. Hydroxide and carbonate are also important compounds, but ammonium is the most basic of the three.

Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. Among the following compounds, the most active electrophilic addition reaction is .....

Among the following compounds, the most active electrophilic addition reaction is .....


- Nuclear


2. which of the following is the most suitable title for the text?

Manakah dari berikut ini adalah judul yang paling cocok untuk teks..

3. which of the following natural disasters do you think is the most horrifyibg

earthquake and hurricane maybe

4. which of the following natural disasters do you think is the most horrifying:earthquake,tsunami,thundersto

tsunami, because of it can be happened so terrible.

5. Which of the following is not a basic number? a. 12 b. 9 c. 6 d. 1 ​


A. 12

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

karena basic number biasanya terdiri dari 1 angka

6. Which of the following natural disak disatres do you think is the most dioryying earthavake stunamie thundersihorms, of floods?whay

Every disastre is frightening, but I think the most worrying disastre is stunami. Why? Do you remember tsunami at Aceh? Many victims died less than 30 minutes. Everybody screaming, crying, praying, they never thought this is will happen, I hope this never happen again.

7. which is the most amount of the ingredients?​


b.mineral water maybe


hi im from indonesia just likethat . mineral water is from mountain like steam watr from the sun ok maybe sorry if im wrong ok bye ok

8. Which of the following natural disasters do you think is the most horrifying: earthquake, tsunamis, thunderstoms, offloods? Why?

i think flood is the most horrifying for me, because the causes of the floods are made by human errors.Flood,because it can ruin your electronics and vehicle and can cause illness that can be fatal

9. Which of the following natural disasters do you think is the most horrifying: earthquake,tsunamis,thunderstorms,of floods?why?

All of them are horrified me.
Why? Because all of them cause many disturbances and even increase the death. We will loose houses, cars, books, electronic stuffs and many more, which means that we are wasting our money. We will loose our family member who means a lot in our life and it is just so sad. So I can't pick one of those disasters.

10. Which of the following natural disasters do you think is the most horrifying

i think the most horrifying disaster is tsunami because its can destroy everything at once,eartquakes too eheheI think it thunderstorms because of course thunderstorm contain air. Air could be anywhere, anytime, so I think it is the most horrifying ^^

11. Which of the following natural disasters do you think is the most horrifying:earthquake,tsunamis,thunderstrom,or floods?why?

Tsunamis because,If a tsunami is happening the chance of surviving is little because tsunami will wipe everything in it's path and you can't outrun flowing water also because tsunami is caused  by an earthquake.

12. Which of the following will find the information most useful artinya


The meaning of "Which of the following will find the information most useful" adalah

• Mana dari pernyataan ini (seharusnya diikuti kata sentence) yang akan ditemukan informasi yang sangat berguna?

13. Which of the following natural disasters do you think is the most horrifying:earthquake,tsunamis,thunderstorms, or floods?why?

Floods, because In indonesia, floods seem to happen everywhere. They effect how kids go to school and how people can go anywhereEarthquake, because earthquake can destroy any building, houses, and many adverse people.

14. the most basic unit of living thinks is

sel merupakan unit struktural paling dasar dari makhluk hidup

15. Which of the following natural disasters do you think is the most horrifying: earthquake, tsunamis, thunderstorms, of floods?why?

I think the most horrifiying natural disaster is tsunamis
Because the tsunamis wave can hit and destroy anything in its path and the tsunamis wave is very big, tall, rolled rolls is terrible and dangerous

16. which of the following natural disasters do you think is the most horrifying:earthquake,tsunamis,thunderstorms,or floods?why?

Tsunami. Because it can make a huge damages and make people lost their lifesEarthquake, it can kill a hundred of people and make a tsunami and landslides with earthquake.

17. Which is the most amount of the ingredient?

Ini minta di ubah kah kata katanya jadi indonesia? Jika iya maka jawabannya adalah
“Manakah yang mempunyai bahan lebih banyak?” Berikan terima kasih jika membantu ya kak!

18. which of following natural disasters do you think is the most horrifying tsunami

Hello Suei

Terjemahan dari pertanyaanmu adalah "Bencana alam mana yang paling menakutkan menurutmu? Tsunami"

In my opinion, the most horrifying natural disaster is volcano eruption!

19. "pilgrim' circumambulation of the ka'bah , which is a basic ritual of..........." Which here revers to?

haji.jawabanya klo ga salah

20. which of the following natural disasters do you think is the most horrifying : earthquakes, tsunamis, thunderstorms, or floods ? why ?

In my opinion, I think that earthquakes is the most horrifying natural disaster because when the earthquake happens, it will destroy homes and buildings, killing people in the process. Also, valuable resources, such as water, will be contaminated. Because of this loss of valuable resources, there is a high risk of disease spread in the area which will then impact the people in the long-term conditions. Earthquakes tend to be unpredictable so the people living in that area are unable to evacuate to a more safer location. Lastly, earthquakes strong enough can cause tsunamis, therefore endangering the people even more.

hope this helps :)I think thunderstorm, because it can't detect directly

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