Why Dartmouth Essays That Worked


Why Dartmouth Essays That Worked

Dartmouth Essays That Worked are successful essays written by applicants who have been accepted to Dartmouth College. These essays provide insight into the admissions process and can help applicants develop ideas and strategies for writing a successful essay. They can also help applicants gain a better understanding of the college's expectations and standards for essays. **Q: What makes Dartmouth Essays That Worked successful?** Dartmouth Essays That Worked are successful because they demonstrate the applicant's ability to write clearly and thoughtfully about themselves and their unique experiences. Additionally, these essays showcase the applicant's ability to convey their passion for the college and their commitment to making a meaningful contribution to campus life.

Questions and Answers:

1. 1 Why has Andy worked all summer?​


because andy need some money so the only way to earn money he need to work

2. apa yang dimaksud arugumentative essays?

semoga jawabannya bner yaa

3. Tolong dong jawab essaysnya

26. a) Santy asks Mia to got to the cinema

b) No, she doesn't because she is busy

c) Santy asks Mia to having lunch together

d) Santy's plan this weekend is nothing but come to Mia's small family party

e) It will begin at 8 p.m

27. a) She doesn't seldom go to conference now

b) I didn't think they were very good

c) The clothes aren't very expensive

4. Essays for the benefits of home cooked meals


Esai tentang manfaat masakan rumahan


its cleanliness is guaranteed and healthy.


(maaf jika salah, jadikan jwbn tercerdas. semoga membantu)

5. Until 1932, the o'keefe. On the farm a. Worked B. Had worked C. Ha worked D. Have worked.


Until 1932, the o'keefe ... on the farm.

a. Worked

b. Had worked

c. Has worked

d. Have worked

6. he .... happy when he worked in that companybantu jawab:)#makasihh​




maaf kalo salah kak

he (is so) happy when he workes in that company

maaf klo salah

7. Anto : How long have you worked there? Fadhil : I . . . . . in that Company for 2 years.A. workB. workedC. have workedD. has workedtolong ya kak di jawab dengan benar​


C.Have Worked


Kalo Gak salah begitu tapi itu ingatanku aja jadi maafkan aku kalau salah


C. have worked


have worked = sudah bekerja

8. do you think that government has worked hard for us?

Maybe, we can see the proof

9. job description, place of work, with whom he worked, and why he wants to become a barber

artinya: Deskripsi pekerjaan, tempat kerja, dengan siapa ia bekerja, dan mengapa ia ingin menjadi seorang tukang cukurJob is someone's daily activities.
Place of work : the place of work is in office, or another place wherever they're work.
With whom he worked : He worked with his friends, and another fellow worker.
Because he think that's very suit right now, and perhaps because he doesn't have another job.

10. berikan pendapat tentang terhadap pelaku unjuk essays Yang melakukan mogok makan

itu tidak baik karena dapat merusak generasi muda sekarang 

semoga bermanfaat ya

Mogok makan merupakan tindakan para pendemo agar pihak pemerintah dan kalangan atas merasa tergerak untuk membantu kalangan rakyat miskin/menengah

11. Devi said," I am writing essays now."(direct)

Devi said that she was writing essays then.Devi said that She was wirting essays that time

Kalo ada pertanyaan seperti ini PM aja

12. one of argumentative essays is

One of argumentative essays is exposition

13. Essays7+3 = ?3+1 = ?1+1 = ?mohon bantuannya!​


7 + 3 = 10

3 + 1 = 4

1 + 1 = 2

Semoga bermanfaat....

1. 7+3=10

2. 3+1=4

3. 1+1=2

14. No sooner ... with my computer, that the electricity went out. A. I had worked B. I worked C. had I worked D. did I work


A.I had worked


Saya telah bekerja


No sooner ... with my computer, that the electricity went out.


B. I worked

C. had I worked

D. did I work

Artinya :

Tidak lebih cepat ... dengan komputer aku, bahwa listrik padam.

A. Aku telah bekerja

B. Aku bekerja

C. Telahkah aku bekerja

D. apakah aku bekerja

maaf klo salah ya ...

15. he...happy when he worked in that company​


dia(laki-laki) senang ketika dia(laki-laki) bekerja di kejuaraan itu.


mian kalo slh:)


He was happy when he worked ini that company.


1. Tenses pd kalimat ini Past Tense (worked).

2. 'happy' karena adjective membutuhkan 'kata kerja bantu' atau auxiliary: 'was' karena subyeknya 'He'

16. Arti Bahasa inggris essays adalah


Arti Bahasa inggris essays adalah


essays => esai

esai => essays


esai adalah karangan prosa yang membahas suatu masalah tertentu melalui sudut pandang penulisnya.

17. 80 kg object moved with constant acceleration as it was given 180 N forward force. Take the friction that worked on the object is 20 N. The resultant force that worked on the object is ... N


200 i think im sorry im wrong

18. Essays What is mr.aditya good at?

esai apa pak aditya pandai?

itu artinya semoga membantu

19. the student wrate long essays di terjemahkan ke B.Indonesia​


siswa menulis esai panjang

20. Until 1932, the o'keefe....on the farm a. Worked B. Had worked C. Has worked D. Have worked


The correct answer is B. Had worked. This refers to an action that was completed in the past, showing that O'Keefe had already done the work on the farm before 1932.

Dari kalimat yang diberikan, kejadian yang terjadi adalah seseorang bekerja di sebuah pertanian sampai tahun 1932. Karena kejadian tersebut sudah selesai pada waktu lampau, maka jawaban yang tepat adalah "B. Had worked". Had merupakan bentuk past participle (partikel kata kerja) dari kata kerja "work" yang digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian yang terjadi di masa lampau dan sudah selesai.

Jawaban "A. Worked" merupakan bentuk simple past tense (kata kerja bentuk lampau) yang digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian yang terjadi di masa lampau dan sudah selesai. Namun, karena kejadian tersebut sudah selesai pada tahun 1932, maka bentuk simple past tidak tepat untuk digunakan.

Jawaban "C. Has worked" merupakan bentuk present perfect tense (kata kerja bentuk present perfect) yang digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian yang dimulai di masa lampau dan masih berlangsung hingga sekarang. Namun, karena kejadian tersebut sudah selesai pada tahun 1932, maka bentuk present perfect juga tidak tepat untuk digunakan.

Jawaban "D. Have worked" merupakan bentuk present perfect tense (kata kerja bentuk present perfect) yang digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian yang dimulai di masa lampau dan masih berlangsung hingga sekarang. Namun, karena kejadian tersebut sudah selesai pada tahun 1932, maka bentuk present perfect juga tidak tepat untuk digunakan.

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